In a groundbreaking move, Voice-Swap, an innovative AI voice company co-founded by DJ Fresh, has launched a free-to-use VST plugin that's set to revolutionize music production. This cutting-edge technology allows producers to seamlessly integrate licensed voices into their digital audio workstation (DAW), with automatic royalty payments to the artists behind each voice.
With Voice-Swap, producers can choose from a menu of iconic voices, including house music legend Robert Owens, Ayah Marar (Calvin Harris and Nervo collaborator), Angie Brown (The Rolling Stones, Happy Mondays, Grace Jones), and more. The plugin enables users to tailor lyrics to fit their creative vision, ensuring a personalized touch.
What sets Voice-Swap apart is its commitment to ethical AI use. The company has earned a Fairly Trained Certification, ensuring all current models meet the highest standards. Additionally, custom voice uploads are cross-checked against BMAT's vast database of over 180 million audio fingerprints to prevent unauthorized use.
Voice-Swap's CEO and co-founder, Dan Stein (aka DJ Fresh), envisions a future where producers can effortlessly collaborate with their favorite vocalists. "Being able to load up your favorite vocalist straight into your DAW has always been the vision for Voice-Swap," he explains. "Now you can also make your own high-quality models and load them straight into your session."
The plugin's custom model training feature allows users to create and share their own voice models, which can be shared privately with other producers, musicians, or labels and agents. This innovative approach democratizes access to high-quality vocal talent, empowering creators to push the boundaries of music production.
By prioritizing ethical AI use and fair royalty payments, Voice-Swap is poised to transform the music industry. As Stein notes, "Our BMAT integration ensures rightsholders can trust your models. Once that trust has been established, those models can be shared with other Voice-Swap users, or even made available to licensees and partners via our new API."
With Voice-Swap's pioneering plugin, the future of music production looks brighter than ever.